Sunday 29 January 2012

What to expect.

So what can you expect from The Little Pod of Horrors podcast?

  • Insightful and in-depth reviews?
  • Interviews with all the greatest directors, writers and actors within the Horror genre?
  • Being kept up to date with everything horror related?

If you expect all this then I'm afraid this probably isn't the show for you.  Obviously we'd love to say we could offer the interviews but that would just be a tiny bit presumptuous at this stage.

What we can offer you though is this. 
  • Two people who have a love for the genre. 
  • Two people who are not afraid to be fans of the genre and admit that there are gaping holes in each others knowledge. 
  • Two people who have created a Mission Statement about what this show should be about. 
  • Two people who have one of the most important qualities in podcasting.  Passion.

Are there going to be bumps along the way?  Of course.  Are we going to play around with logos, theme music and formats?  Of course. Will there be times where you scream at your mp3 player and/or computer "You guys haven't seen.........?". Of course.

Film reviews are not what we do for a living.  Podcasting is what we do for fun and we believe that there are people out there who, like us, just like to spend some time listening to a show, hearing other peoples thoughts and opinions and general banter about a subject they love.

This is what we hope to be able to provide you with on a regular basis. But it's not all about us. This show is about the listener as well. We encourage feedback on what we are talking about. We encourage feedback about the format and quality of the show. And most importantly, we encourage feedback on what you would like to hear.

Please get in touch either via the comments section below, through the forum, twitter, Facebook, Google + (see links at the side of the page) or by email -

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Thank you!

Thanks to an overwhelming show of support by friends, and the Mrs, it is with great pleasure that I am able to announce the re-launching of Little Pod Of Horrors.

Two exciting things that I can share with you so far:

[1] The name will be changing to "The Little Pod of Horrors"
[2] I will have a new full time co-host, the lovely Lee (or Boz to a lot of you)

Will anything else change?  You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

The official release date has still to be set but I can assure you all that it will be worth the wait.  Boz and I have lots of ideas and enthusiasm and can't wait to share these with you all.

In the meantime, why not delve back into the archive and listen to LPOH Episode 3, where Boz and I discussed "The Midnight Meat Train"

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Can't wait to be talking to you all again
